Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Basic Sorting Algorithms Computer Science Essay

The Basic Sorting Algorithms Computer Science Essay In the following scientific report, the basic sorting algorithms will be discussed and examined. Timing will be done on the different sorting algorithms and experiments will be done to see which of the different sorting algorithms are the most efficient. Assumptions will be made on which sorting algorithm is the most efficient and then compare the results to see if the right assumption were made. We will discuss the reasons why each sorting algorithm is efficient and under which conditions are efficient. A brief explanation of each sorting algorithm will be given to get the basic idea what its all about. Then a brief conclusion will be done to round of the scientific report Bubble sort is probably one of the most popular and simple sorting algorithm. It is often used as a programming exercise for beginners because it is relatively easy to grasp and understand. The problem though is that its not very efficient, therefore bubble sort only gets used once in a blue moon. There are more efficient sorting algorithms used in real application and that will be discussed in a later stage. It basically two steps that happen in bubble sort, which are: It compares each pair of adjacent elements from the start of the array and, if they are not in the right order, they get swapped If at least one swap has occurred the you repeat step one until no numbers gets swapped Heres a graphical example how Bubble Sort works. Bubble sort We going to sort an array {5, 1, 12, -5, and 16} using bubble sort. Selection sort just like bubble sort is one of the simplest of the sorting algorithms and it works very well with small files. The concept of this algorithm is quite simple. The array is said to be divided in two parts, a sorted part and an unsorted part. At the beginning the sorted part is empty while the unsorted part is the whole array. At every step the method/algorithm finds the smallest element in the unsorted part of the array and the ads it to the end of the sorted part of the array. When the unsorted part becomes empty the algorithm stops. Insertion Sort just like bubble and Selection is one of the most basic and most common sorting algorithms around. This sorting algorithm is more efficient than the other to because it has fewer comparisons than the other two, but this will be discussed in more detail later on. Think about how you sort a deck of cards. You start from the beginning and work through the deck and as you find cards that arent in the right order you remove them and place it in the right order, and you do the this until all the cards are in the right position and your deck is sorted This is the main idea behind Insertion sort. The Method Insertion sorts breaks up the array in two parts, sorted and unsorted. At the start the sorted part of the array only contains one element. Each step the algorithms runs, it expands the sorted part of the array by one and then places the first element of the unsorted region and places it in the right place in the sorted area. This will carry on till the whole array will be a sorted array. The illustration on the right hand side shows step by step how insertion sort works. Shell sort Shell sort algorithm is one of the eldest sorting algorithms out there and was invented by D.L Shell in 1959[3]. It is quite effective and easy to comprehend. The sorting algorithm follows two standard procedures: 1. It arranges the data into a two dimensional array 2. The columns of the array will then be sorted Once the procedure has been concluded, the resultant data sequence is placed into another two dimensional array, but with less columns. The columns are then sorted and the above procedure is repeated until a single sorted column is leftover [3]. MERGESORT The merge sort algorithm uses divide and conquer approach. The algorithm firstly divides the data sequence into two halves, sorts the two halves and then combines them together to form a sorted set of data sequences. [4] Figure 0-4 In the above figure it illustrates the basic merge sort process. It starts by dividing the unsorted data sequence a into to unsorted data sequences b and c. The data sequences b and c are then sorted with recursive calls to form b and c. Once the two halves are sorted, they are combined to form a sorted data sequence namely a [4]. Quick sort Quick sort is the fastest sorting algorithm when it comes to large elements in an array. Quick sort has to make use of recursion, because of the way quick sort, sorts the elements. The way quicksort works is that there are three pointers, namely a left, right and pivot pointer, the pivot pointer is the most important one. The Left pivot will point to the most left element in the array and the right to the most right element in the list. For the pivot any number can be chosen, but its normal practice to make the first element your pivot. The steps: Pivot and left pointer points to the 1st element in the list and right to the last element The pivot pointer will now compare the object that its pointing at with the one that the right pivot is pointing at. If the right pointer objects are smaller than the pivot then the two objects swap, it is important to note that the pivot will always point to one number, so if that number moves so does the pivot, the right and left pivot stays in its respectable place. If the right pointer object is not smaller that pivot, the right pivot will just move left until a smaller one is found Once the pivot swaps with the right pivot , the pivot and the right pointer will point to the same object, therefore the right pivot will not move anymore now the left pointer will move one right The left pointer and the pivot will now compare, and it the left pointer object is bigger than the pivot object then it will swap, and the pivot will now join the left pointer. This will then let the right pointer move one left This will carry on until all three pointers point to the same object, this means that the object is in its perfect position, to the left of this object no number will be bigger than it and to the left no number would be smaller. Once it found the first object in its perfect place, it will then move to the left hand side of that object It will follow all the above steps with the left side. Ones the left side is all sorted it will then go to right side of our first perfect number and sort the right hand side with the same procedure (To see a Illustrative example see Appendix A) Sorting Algorithms Figure -Sorting Algorithm Figure 1 above shows us the relationship of time (ms) and the number of objects the sorting algorithm has to sort. There are 5 sorting algorithms measured in this experiment namely Bubble sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Double Insertion and Double Selection sort. As can be noticed from the graph above s that all five sorting algorithms has the same trend but some just increases more than the other and sometimes by quite a substantial amount. First thing noticeable is that if we sort little objects, lets say less than 2000 objects, then it does not matter what algorithm we use all of them are at about the 0ms mark. Only when we get to about the 10000 objects mark, then only the sorting algorithms really shows who the best is. As we can see from the graph is that Bubble Sort is the least sorting Algorithm and is basically just used to explain the sorting procedure to new comers to the programming language. Bubble selection and Double selection are very similar when it comes to efficiency. The most efficient sorting algorithm by far is the Insertion Sorts. As can be seen by figure 1 Double insertion is the most efficient and it all works on how the sorting algorithm sorts the array which is discussed in the abstract portion of this report. Experimental Procedures What was needed to run the experiment The apparatuses needed for his experiment where a Computer, Visual studio C#, and a user that has been tutored for Sorting algorithms How experiment was executed Code where write for each sorting algorithm in a method in a specific program. A new timing class was created, to have something to time how fast or slow the different sorting algorithms gets sorted. Then the method for each 5 sorting algorithms gets executed and run five times to get an average, to eliminate errors that might have been caused. After all the data has been recorded, a graph was plotted  [1]  . This graph was then evaluated Problems that arise The main problem that happened was, each time the programme ran the results werent always constant. And if the programme was not a dedicated programme (i.e. the only programme running at the time) then the values went haywire. This problem was fixed by forcing the visual studio to run a garbage collector and collect all the garbage, to make sure that when programme runs all the processing power is used for the programme so the times will be more accurate. Conclusion In this report five different sorting algorithms where discussed. Each one was investigated and briefly explained how they work, and why each one is efficient in their own right. As the experiment when on it was noticed that some sorting algorithms are less efficient than others and that had all to do with how each sorting algorithm works. When figure-1 was examined, it was concluded that Bubble sort was the least efficient of the different sorting algorithms and that Double insertion Sort was the most efficient of all the sorting algorithms. From this we can conclude that Bubble sort is best used just to explain or introduce the sorting algorithm to a new student. As soon as you want to have an efficient sorting algorithm the Double will be the best because less time will be spent to sort the objects in the array References http://wiki.answers

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Business Research

Topic ~ Introduction 1 to Business Research Byend of this topic, you should be able to: † I, Define research; 2. Describe the difference between basic and applied research; 3. Discuss the importance of business research; 4. Describe the needs to have ethics in conducting research; 5. Discuss when business research is needed and when it should not be conducted; and 6. Identify various areas in business research. ~' INTRODUCTION Before we really understand what business research is all about, let us look at some of the definitions given by several authors of research methods. 2 ~ TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTIONTO BUSINESS RESEARCH Definition There are many different definitions that can be found on research. (i) Cooper and Emory (1995) defined research as: A systematic inquiry aimed at providing information' to solve problems. (ii) Kervin (1992) in his book entitled â€Å"Methods for Business Research† stated that: . . Researchis the process of systematically gathering end analysing information in order to gain knowledge and understanding. l (iii) Sekaran (2003) defined it as: An organised, systernJltic, databased, critical, objective, sdentiBc inquiry or investigation into a specific problems. (iv)Zikmund (2003) defined business research as: A systematic and objective process of gathering, recording and analysing data I'foraid in zna! dng decision. .. , †¢. †¢ 0†² As you can see from the given definitions, there are many different definitions on research, however, there appears to be a consensus among these authors that research is a process 01 investigation that is carried out in an organised and systematic manner to address a specific probJem or issue. When you investigate a phenomena of interest, it must be thorough and rigorous from the beginning untill the end of the research process.Besides that, you must also conduct it in a systematic way using appropriate methods to collect and analyse data. In a business context, research is defined as an organised and systematic process of investigation to address a specific business problem or issue. TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS RESEARCH .. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ 3 . , ACTIVITY 1. 1 †¢ r' ~. †¢ .~ I _ ‘. l,†~ 1. Give you own definition of business research. 2. :1. 1 Identify the key words in describing â€Å"research† from the content glVen. TYPES OF BUSINESS RESEARCH There are many areas of research that can be conducted.For example you may want to do a research on the behaviour of students in an English or Mathematics class. Or perhaps you would like to do a research in an organisation, . investigating the financial problems of a company. Whatever research that you wish to embark on, you need to understand that business research can be categorised into the following: Basic Research Applied Research Figure 1. 1: Business research component 1 . 1 . 1 Basic Research , Basic research is usually conducted to improve our understanding of certain issues rath er than its immediate application.This research is also known as fundamental of pure research. For example, you might be interested in whether personal characteristics influence students' courses choices. Basic research aims to make a contribution to knowledge rather than providing solution to a spe. cific problem or issue. 1 . 1. 2 Applied Research Applied research is done with the emphasis of solving a specific, existing problem. It is very specific in nature and is directed towards making decisions. An example of an applied research is when an organisation wants to improve its employees' performance that has been declining lately. 4 ~ TOPIC 1INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS RESEARCH Although the primary objective of basic research is to gain knowledge, such knowledge developed from the research can be used to solve specific problems or issues. For example, researching the causes of low successful rate among small and medium entrepreneurs ‘ill offer many solutions to reduce the phen omenon, which leads to further research on it, and suggest how the low successful rate can be improved. † ‘â‚ ¬j (‘. ~ †¦ †¢. SELF-CHECK ,. 1 ‘†Ã¢â‚¬ ,,-‘ Given the situation below. discuss whether the following scenario falls under the category of basic or applied research. . ,- †¢The management ofOUM wants to analyse the importance module to their independent post graduate students . of course †¢' A researcher investigates consumers' perceptions towards a newly design Proton car, Persona. Whether you are doing basic or applied research, it is important for you to understand that both researches are undertaken in a scientific manner. 1. 2 IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS RESEARCH Let us look at the importance of business research by looking at why do you have to do it. 1 . 2. 1 Why Do You Have to Do Research? Each day managers are confronted with issues and problems that require them to make critical decisions.Research conducted in an organised and systematic manner will enable them to assess or check whether a specific action, program or policy has the expected effect. Research will provide managers with opportunities to gather information about the characteristics of the current situation. For example managers may want information to answer questions, to make decisions or to determine whether a problem exists. It also allows managers to identify problem situation before they grew out of the management's control. TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS RESEARCH .. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ 5 Lastly, research offers management n avenue to comprehend and better appreciate various factors and effects of factors that contribute to an existing situation or problem . †¢ 1. Why managers should know about research? 2. Why is research important? 1. 3 ETHICS IN RESEARCH When conducting a specific research, the researcher is required to observe certain . code of conduct or norm of behaviour. Ethical behaviour starts with the researc her who conducts the investigation, the respondents who provide the information, the analysts who analyse the results and every team member who will be involved in the presentation of the findings and recommendations.According to Cavana, Delahaye and Sekaran (2001), as researcher, you have responsibilities to the society, the client of the research and the people involved in the study. †¢ To the society – all researchers must uphold the moral . standards of the research profession. They should not engage in plagiarism, fraud or deceptions. Cite properly if you are refering or using other people works, as illustrated in Figure 1. 2. . ‘lhis Into ‘1(J ‘((‘,[ f,1 . ! _~I~( It L{)U'I~~ A It rR. or~,~11. .†¢ Figure 1. 2: An example of citing the source properly Source: http://www. lib. lsu. edu/instruction/ tigertail/nf/ od ule3 / images / plagiarism. GlF †¢ To the client of the research – the researcher must ensure that he/she produce s high quality research. He/she must also ensure that all information regarding the research be treated as private and confidential. 6 ~ †¢ TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS RESEARCH To the people involved in the study – should not be physically, psychologically and legally harmed. It is also the responsibility of the researcher to ensure the anonymity of the people involved in the study. Coercion, undue pressuri and stress on the people involved in the research should be avoided. :-; -â€Å"–:- .. †¢. †¢.. ~~ -yf– – –1.. ‘-. I-‘:. †¢. †¢1f7 ~ ~, †¢ f',,' ;~SELF~CHE(K f. 3> † Give some examples of business research in your particular field of interest. _ ,~-:;~†Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ~~~~~~~. ;;~;~. :~~::;:;~;;;-~,~~~~~~-:;;:;-~~~~~~~ o For further readings on business research, you may go to the following websites: www. accenture. com/Global/Research_and_Insights/lnstitute_For_High_ Performance Business . htm www. apmforum. com/research. htm OQJ 11111 †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢6†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢~†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Q †¢ †¢ †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ ~  » 0†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ « †¢ Research is a pertinent part for managers. †¢Business research is a systematic and objective process of gathering, recording and analysing data for decision making. †¢ Research can be categorised into basic and applied research. †¢ Basic research is usually conducted to improve our understanding of certain issues rather than its immediate application. †¢ Applied research is done with the emphasis of solving a specific, existing problem. 10 ~ TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS RESEARCH †¢ Managers should have knowledge in conducting research even though they may not be directly involved in the research concerned. †¢Researcher has the responsibility to observe certain code of conducts to society, the people involeed in the research and the client of the research. †¢ A manager determines whether business research should be conducted by considering time constraints, availability of data, the nature of the decision to be made and benefits of the research information in relation to cost. †¢ The major area of business research that would benefit the organisations KEY TERMS 0†³, †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Applied Research† †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ a _ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Research Ethics Business Research t †¢ 1.Explain the definiton of research. 2. Why should a manager knows about research? 3. F~r what purpose is basic r~search important? Give examples of basic research. 4. When is applied useful? 5. Discuss some business research you have read. . 6. research , as distinct from basic research, List the factors that need to be taken into consideration before embarking on a research project. †¢ †¢ †¢ TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS RESEARCH †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ 11 Bryman, A. & Bell~E. (2003). Business research methods. New York: Oxford University Press. Cavan a, R. Y, Delahaye, B. L. , & Sekaran, U. (2000).Applied business research: Qualitative and quantitative methods. Australia: John Wiley and Sons. (2003). Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. (2nd ed. ). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Collis, J. , & Hussey†R. Cooper, D. , &' Schindler, McGraw-Hill Irwin. p. s. (2006). Business research methods. (9th ed. ). Kervin, J. B. (1992). Methods for business research. New York: Harper Publishers. . †¦ Collin Sekaran, U. (2003). Research methods for business: A skill-building approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Zikmund, W. G. (2003). Business research methods. Thomson USA. South-W estern, †¢ Business Research FELIPE R. VERALLO MEMORIAL FOUNDATION INC. Clotilde Hills, Dakit, Bogo City, Cebu, 6010 Philippines FUNERAL SERVICES In BOGO CITY: Some Proposals By: Salundaga, Nerissa M. Velez, Charisse S. BSBA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express our deepest appreciation to the following people for without them this study wouldn’t be possible. First and foremost, Almighty Father for guiding us always and giving us the courage to possibly makes this. To our parents and family for the financial and emotional support. To Mr. Jessie R. Agunod (Chapel Manager) and Mr. Jan Ridomer Ramos (Embalmer) of St. Peter Memorial Chapels/ St.Peter Life Plan, Inc. for giving us their time and chance to conduct interview for this study. And of course, to our Professor, Dr. Hubert Quinones for the pointers, support and the encouragements to accomplish this study. And to all we don’t mention but contributed idea and cooperation for this study. To all of you! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! God bless†¦ C. S . Velez N. M. Salundaga Contents CHAPTER 1 * Introduction * Theoretical Framework * Research Flow * Statement of the Problem * Significance of the Study * Scope and Limitations * Research Methodology * Research environment * Research subject * Research instrument Data Collection * Definition of the Terms Introduction â€Å"Embalming is one of the richest jobs a man can have†-this is what other says to the funeral organizations, in the case that their services are never losing. Every second of a time many children are born, but every second of a time can be a man’s last breath and every man’s last breath can be a future to other. Nobody lives eternity. We will all face death. Why is it that there are funeral organizations? Because they are needed by every one of us. They are the only one who knew how to preserve a dead body for a few days or anytime needed.Some families of the dead want these services for their own reasons. Let us find in this study the profile o f funeral services, and on how they operate the kind of business. This study, FUNERAL SERVICES IN BOGO CITY: Some Proposals is created for educational purposes as one of the requirements in our subject, Business Research 1. It contains some proposals about the funeral services in Bogo Cit, Cebu. We conducted research over funeral organization that is a family corporation which aims for the development and success of their organization as well as satisfying their clients through their services.Anybody can read this research especially those who are interested about funeral services in Bogo City, Cebu particularly the St. Peter Memorial Chapels. Theoretical framework â€Å"When a person dies in the Philippines, Christian Filipinos –such as Catholics that include the tagalong people- generally hold a wake known as lamay or paglalamay, a vigil that typically lasts for five to seven nights, but may last longer if the surviving family is waiting for someone who will be traveling f rom afar. During this time, the cleaned and embalmed body of the dead, place in coffin is displayed in a house of deceased or at the funeral home.The exhibited casket of the departed is traditionally surrounded by funeral lights, a guest registry book, a contribution box, and flowers. Family members, relatives, and acquaintances participate in the vigil. Apart from offering condolences, the participants, guests and viewers of the departed provide financial donations (the abuloy) to help defray funeral and burial cost. Food and warm drinks are customarily served during the nightly vigil. Typically activities conducted outside or near the vigil area include singing, guitar playing, and gambling- such as playing card games- to pass the time and to keep awake. —FILIPINO CHRISTIAN BURIAL CUSTOMS [www. google. com. ph] Today, people all over the world commemorate their loved ones with ceremonies that reflect their religious or cultural attitudes toward death. Just as we have ritual s for our passages of life, such as graduations and weddings, we need a ritual for death – one of the most significant of all passages. Funerals just don’t recognize that life was lived. They offer survivors a chance to gather and recall what mattered to them about the deceased’s life: his or her accomplishments, friendship, guidance or love.The funeral ritual also helps the survivors to heal emotionally. When someone we love dies, we experience grief, which, though it hurts, is not something to avoid. Grief is part of the healing process that allows us to separate ourselves from the deceased person and go on with our lives. An important grieving is expressing the emotions that may accompany death: anger, guilt, fear, sorrow, and depression. A funeral gives mourners a place to express those feelings. Funerals stimulate mourners to talk about the deceased, one of the first steps towards accepting the death.The funeral brings together a community of mourners who, by supporting each other, can help themselves through a difficult period. To resolve their grief, mourners need to accept the reality of death not only on an intellectual level, but on an emotional level as well. It is for this reason that the traditional funeral is usually preceded by an open-casket visitation period. This may seem unnecessary; but many grief experts say that nothing helps you accept death as much as seeing the dead person. Viewings help with grieving because they show that there’s no return.Perhaps no other moment in the funeral process is as powerful as the final disposition. For survivors, this is as strong symbolic moment, a confirmation that they must let go of the person who dies and look ahead to a change life. For this reason, it is important families choose the kind o final disposition most meaningful to them and most appropriate for the deceased. Research flow I N P U T FUNERAL ORGANIZATION IN BOGO CITY, CEBU * Corporate profile * Services and cost s * proposals P R O C E S S * Internet research * Book scanning * Developing questionnaires for interview * Editing O U T P U T Information about St. Peter Memorial Chapels’ services This figure presents the research flow of the study wherein the input is our main subject of the study, the funeral organization in Bogo City, Cebu, the St. Peter Memorial Chapels. Statement of the problem The purpose of this study is to learn the kind of service a funeral organization has. Following are the questions we mention during the interview and their respective answers. 1) What is the profile of the funeral services as to; a) Ownership â€Å"The St. Peter Memorial Chapels is owned by a family and has many branches all over the country.Every region we have ten or more chapels and life plan offices. In Bogo City, Cebu, we are located at Cogon, Bogo City, Cebu. b) Organizational set-ups/structures â€Å"St. Peter Memorial Chapels and, Bogo City branch has only eight members, one of those is the Chapel manager (CM), a liaison, and the rest are all embalmers as well as drivers. Chapel Manager (1) Liaison (1) Embalmer/ Driver (6) This structure is exclusively in Bogo branch only, every chapel has this set-up, and the General Chapel Manager is at Cebu City sub-office. c) Personnel â€Å"Our personnel are being trained well to successfully do their job with one vision and mission.As St. Peterians, our words and actions are guided by and aligned with our St. Peterian oath (vision magazine- official publication of the St. Peter Group of Companies/March-April 2012). We incorporate our core values in our way of life. We recite the St. Peterian oath everyday to remind us always of our responsibilities as St. Peterians. We are reflections of these vision, mission and values so we have to live them out as true St. Peterian should. † 2) What are the services offered? â€Å"Nobody cannot predict our lives, we cannot say when our last day is. Practically we will all reach the time of death, and that we cannot deny this fact.So, St. Peter Memorial Chapels offers Life Plan insurance in which this is very affordable for it is payable within five (5) years. The good thing about this insurance is that it is transferable to any of the family members of the insured. This is a package that covers the retrieval, embalming, delivery, burial and flowers for the deceased. We also have the booking or setting time as to when the body will be pick up. And also we offered cremation exclusively to the deceased with whom the cause of dying is a contagious disease like rabies, yellow fever and aids. † 3) How is the cost as to; a) Embalming, ) Coffin, â€Å"We will not do just embalming or selling coffins alone. We will complete our service from picking up the body from their places, embalming, delivery, and burial. We also provide flowers as condolence to the family of the deceased. Depending on the owner of the body as to which casket they want for the deceased , the minimum package cost is (PHP) 17,000 pesos and maximum of (PHP) 500,000 pesos. † c) Personnel salary â€Å"Embalmers and drivers will receive a fixed monthly salary of (PHP) 12,000 pesos whether there are customers or none. † 4) What are the problems encountered in this type of business? Well competencies cannot be denied with this type of business, especially that we are located very near to our competitors but with our popularity of this industry, we are not afraid of it. Aside from this, booking reservation is our problem that usually encountered or having too much customers because we only have three (3) delivery cars. Sometimes, there are customers who will get angry but we understand for they have lost someone. There are times that we are in the middle of the burial ceremony and someone will call for an emergency that needs immediate response. † 5) What proposals could be drawn? Being pioneer of this type of business, we all have the confidence to show to our customers that we are â€Å"the Deathcare Experts†. We have attended different seminars regarding this service and received many awards with this field of business. We also believe that â€Å"customer is always right† so we always obey and respect them, and give them advices to help them recover. Our staffs are properly trained on treating each other equally as well as the customers. Engaging in this type of business determination and the will to be successful, and as you can see, we are developing more and more ecause we are all determined to achieve one goal. As what the Archbishop Emeritus of Cebu, Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal said in his message to us during the blessing of the third floor extension of St. Peter Memorial Chapels- Cebu City last March 5, 2011, â€Å"Be merciful, just as your father is merciful†, â€Å"May the Lord continue to bless your endeavors and plans, and may you continue to include in your endeavors and plans the welfare of the p eople you serve, especially the poorest of the poor†. [ vision magazine- official publication of the St. Peter Group of Companies/March-April 2012, pp. 4].And we are doing it every now and then of out services. Significance of the study TO THE FUNERAL OWNER AND STAFF Through this study, they are able to inform their customers the nature of their business, their corporate profile and the services they offered. And because there are only few funeral homes in this place, they have the advantage and the chance to be selected by customers. TO THE COMMUNITY This study would help us know the services offered by the subject of the study and understand the differences of the cost range of the services. And a chance to select among the services offered by the organization.Scope and limitations This study focuses on determining the profile of funeral organizations in Bogo City, Cebu as to ownership, organizational set-ups/structure and personnel. On their proposals for this kind of busin ess, their services offered to community and of course, their costs according to the services they offer and the problems they have encountered in the type of business they are into. Along the research, we encountered different problems such as a limited source of information, and a few research environments so we are not able to finish the research earlier.Research methodology To reach our goal of this study, we made questionnaires for the interview. RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT This research is done in Bogo City, Cebu. There are only three funeral homes in the location, one of them do not want to be interviewed, and unfortunately that the time we conducted the research, the manager of the other funeral home is attending seminar and the staff don’t want to decide on their own, so we collected information by just one of them, the St. Peter Memorial Chapels. RESEARCH SUBJECT The main subject of this study is the St.Peter Memorial Chapels with Mr. Jessie R. Agunod and Mr. Jan Ridomer R amos. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT Throughout the study, we consulted different books and websites to produce this information. Also, in conducting interview, written questionnaires were used. DATA COLLECTION We personally went to the location and asked them information about this study. And we gather different ideas through scanning different books in the library and websites. Definition of terms CREMATION- burning a dead body to ashes instead of embalming.COFFIN- the box in which the body of a dead person is buried. EMBALMER- the person who did the preservation of the dead body. EMBALMING- way of preserving a dead body. FUNERAL- is a ceremony for celebrating, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a person who has died. FUNERAL HOME-(mortuary) is a business that provides burial and funeral services for the deceased and their families. These services may include a prepared wake and funeral, and the provision of a chapel for the funeral. Gallery With Chapel Manager, Mr. Jessie R. Agunod Wit h Mr. Jan Ridomer Ramos (embalmer)

Friday, January 10, 2020

Theology PAper

Theological Discernment and Cultural Exegesis of the Movie Life Is Beautiful Life Is Beautiful (1998) is one of the most memorable and original movies I have ever seen. It is not surprising for me, that the movie received so many great awards such as the grand prize at Cannes Film Festival and three Academy Awards, including Best Foreign Language Film and others. The central Idea of the movie Is to give people the understanding that it does not matter how much death, evil, and ugliness happens in the world there is always hope and good.To understand that goodness, truth, and tatty of the relationships and human life finally triumph at the end despite of evil that Is made by Nazi military. After watching this movie 4 years ago, It really did make me think very much about life itself. At that time I was very concerned about my future and career opportunities, but finally I realized that nothing is more important than love and close relationships with people I love. This is the main rea son why after seeing the name of the movie In the list, I knew It will be my first and the only choice of the movie would Like to write about.The movie Itself portrays us a really rethinking story about a family love and their relationships with each other. It is a story of the main character – Guide, his son -Joshua and wife – Dora not in favor of Nazi troops who were continuously sentencing Jewish people to death only because of their race during the World War II. I could say that the two main characters of this small family, Guide and Dora, are showing a really strong love to each other that makes them able not only serve each other but also sacrifices for each other's sake of good. For me this Is like two movies in one.All this story Is presented Like two efferent lives from beautiful beginning to an unexpected suffering story that make us realize how easily a life can change, in particular when you least expect it. The first part of the movie presents us incredibl y beautiful days where the plot takes is to the small village of Italy filled with an inspiring love story from the very first minutes when two extremely different people saw each other. Guide was as a Jew waiter who came there to his uncle with a dream to open his own book store, and suddenly by accident met an engaged Italian girl.Unfortunately, after 5 years living happily gather, everything falls apart and changes. A breathtaking love story turns into to a horrible exile during the World War II where Jewish people are taken to the concentration camps for work and death. The movie itself is portrayed in a very interesting structure. From the very first sight we realize that it should be extremely heartbreaking due to the fact that such hard topic as an exile and death of innocent people Is unquestionably accepted as a very cruel thing to do to the whole community. N the contrary, the movie presents exile In a way of game and fun. Guide here is a father who does his best to keep h is son from finding out the wicked truth about their situation in the camp. It is his primary goal to keep the son safe, while he Is trying to find out the way how to release his family from the camp and at the same time keeping German troops from finding this out. For his son, Joshua, the camp is presented as a competition where he is supposed to pursue all the given instructions.If he does that, he will get more points and win the main prize – tank. I OFF protection of a son. For us it can be an example of Guide commitment to his family in very Christian way, because he is following Gods' words from the Bible. He is doing exactly what he calls husbands and fathers to do – to take responsibility for their families: â€Å"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! † (Psalm 127:3-5) Yes, the movie is talking a bout the war of good and evil, but for me Guide and his dedication to his family shows that it also presents us the beauty of human spirit, faithfulness and soul. Guide is like a real Christian serving his family, in the movie itself an uncle Eloise once told Guide that mire's serving. You're not a servant. Serving is a supreme art. God is the first servant. God serves men but he's not a servant to men. Guide in the movie becomes the best example of a servant, no matter that he serves his family in his own way, he does not become humble, but rather he is perceived as a hero who is doing everything he can to save from harm his family. Guide served both, his son and a wife when he was going to look for Dora and in some moments of the movie emending her that both of them are still alive. It is Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. † (Matt. 20:28).He is doing this without event thinking he is a servant; he is lik e Jesus who served people for their good, with thinking to get something in return. Guide is not the only one in the movie who shows his love, serves, and sacrifices for his family. His wife, Dora does it as well, as a real Christian. From the very begging to the very end she is doing what she can to show love and dedication to her family members. She as a woman from a prominent Italian family would have never had to go to such a horrifying place as a concentration camp.Unfortunately, due to the fact that her husband and son were Jews and had to be exiled, she showed her bravery and dedication. Right after the moment she found out that her Jewish husband and son have been taken by German soldiers, she went to the train station and tried to convince the soldiers that they have made a mistake. Sadly, an officer denied it of being a mistake and insisted her; she doesn't belong there and has to go home. Dora id not do that, she demanded to be put on the train with the other people and b e taken to the concentration camp.Despite the fact that she was Italian, came from a very good family, she with no doubts has chosen to identify herself with Jews, the people who have been condemned. She gave up her own life and showed pure love and devotion to her family. Finally, in the end of the movie we are made to realize how beautiful this father-son game really is. Despite its setting in the context of death and cruelty Guide is able to inspire us for faith and believe in good. A father to only serves his son from the very first second there comes harm to him, but also shows his devotion by sacrificing his own life in order to keep both, his wife and son safe.He is doing everything he can to save both of them as a true, loving father and husband would do. Guide offers a life of imagination to his son that is beautiful, even though he is very exhausted and oppressed, since he was working hard during the day in the camp. According to Russell B. Ramsey (n. D. ) Guide reflects J esus' words in the Bible, â€Å"Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends On. 5:13). † He laid down for his family and was very strong psychologically not to joke and fun instead of going to panic.This was a very courageous thing to do, and we can see how strong a man can be in situations where he has to protect his own family. To sum up, the movie is very unique, because of the authors' ability to unite both, comedy and tragedy to one movie that is in general very hard to do. From the funny beginning it shifts to a tough story in a concentration camp while still maintaining elements of fun. Guide gives his son the gift loving and not knowing what is happening in reality. He does not mention the real truth about the camp and evil that surrounds them there.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Fidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution - 1360 Words

Most prominently known as the face of a repressive dictatorship, Fidel Castro governed Cuba for nearly five decades (1959-2006) achieving both successes and failures throughout the course of his rule. His rise to power as Prime Minister in 1959 saw Cuba become the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere, improving relations with the Soviet Union but at the cost of a trade embargo with the United States. During the period of the Cold War, Castro played a significant role in allowing missiles to be placed in Cuba as mishaps during the crisis may have resulted in mutually assured destruction. Despite providing universal education, almost guaranteed employment and free healthcare, the failures far outweighed the benefits as many Cubans have attempted to flee the internationally isolated dictatorship with the economy and standard of living has plunged drastically under Castro’s regime. Cuban revolution Castro has been embroiled in controversy regarding the success of the Cuban revolution but despite the subsequent ramifications, he was able to establish the foundation for many other dissidents in Latin America and free Cuba from a hated dictator. Through becoming a nationally recognised figure and a hero to many Cuban peasants, Castro played a significant role in stimulating the growth of the revolution as his popularity elevated his title to the leader of a rebel force which would later overthrow Batista’s dictatorship in 1959. This is demonstrated through his trialShow MoreRelatedFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution1367 Words   |  6 PagesOn January 8th, 1959, Fidel Castro and his rebel army marched triumphantly into Havana, Cuba, having overthrown corrupt dictator Fulgencio Batista the week earlier. It was the fruition of the Cuban Revolution, and the dramatic shift in power was about to radically alter the country’s political, social and economic course foreve r. The positive and negative effects of the revolution on the Cuban people, however, as well as the condition of Cuba’s economy pre and post-revolution, is subject to heatedRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution943 Words   |  4 PagesThe infamous Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro was born on a farm on August 13,1926 and he is currently 89 years old. He was the third child out of six. His full name was Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz Fidel Castro. He was not born into a poor family, his father Angel happened to be a very wealthy sugar plantation owner. At the time Cuba’s economy was not thriving, but Castro still grew up in wealthy conditions. He went to a private boarding school to receive his education. There he became a star studentRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution1517 Words   |  7 Pages In 1959 Fidel Castro attempted to overthrow dictator Fulgencio Batista; Castro led a revolutionary movement in a guerrilla war against Batista s forces. As anti-Bat ista sentiment grew, Castro took a leading role in the Cuban Revolution which eventually ousted the president.(Stevenson 118)Once in power, Castro nationalized American property and because of this the United States diplomatic relations with Cuba were cut in 1961. Even prior to the break in relations, President Eisenhower agreed toRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution1410 Words   |  6 PagesIn 1959 Fidel Castro led a successful revolution that overthrew the Cuban government, placing him in total control. During this time America had considered â€Å" Central America - and the Caribbean - as its own ‘backyard’†, and therefore, when they saw a communist running the Cuban government tensions began to build (Todd 140). Eventually, in 1960 Castro led Cuba into an economic deal with the Soviet Union (or USSR), as a result of this American and Cuban relations were completely cut off (Dobbs 12-18)Read MoreAnalysis Of Fidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution1140 Words   |  5 Pages Cuban leader Fidel Castro (1926-2016) established the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere after leading an overthrow of the military dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1959. He ruled over Cuba for nearly five decades, until handing off power to his younger brother Raà ºl in 2008. During that time, Castro’s regime was successful in reducing illiteracy, stamping out racism and improving public health care, but was widely criticized for stifling economic and political freedoms. Castro’sRead MoreFidel Castro Led The Cuban Revolution934 Words   |  4 PagesNearly fifty-five years ago, an embargo was placed on Cuba, halting all trade between the two countries. Fidel Castro led the Cuban Revolution, which began in July of 1953, leading to their victory and the previous leader, Fulgencio Batista, being driven out of his position. Castro had gained a lot of support from Cuban citizens with his promises to restore political and civil liberties. Castro later began to stray from these promises, starting by nationalizing American businesses within Cuba andRead MoreFidel Castro Led The Cuban Revolution1106 Words   |  5 Pagesfifty-five years ago, an embargo was placed on Cuba, halting all trade between the two countries. Fidel Castro led the Cuban Revolution, which began in July of 1953, leading to their victory and the previous leader, Fulgencio Batista, surrendering from his position. Castro was an American friend and had gained a great deal of support from Cuban citizens with his promises to restore basic, essential liberties. Castro later began to stray from these promises, starting by nationalizing American businesses withinRead MoreFidel Castro s Impact On The Cuban Revolution1678 Words   |  7 Pagesquestion, â€Å"How significant was Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara in the Cuban Revolution era?† It will establish the effect Che Guevara had on the Cuban Revolution, it will compare the effect Guevara had to other leaders in the Cuban Revolution (i.e. Raà ºl Castro, Camilo Cienfuegos), it will contrast the effect Guevara had to other leaders in the Cuban Revolution, and it will consider whether Che Guevara had a significant impact on the Cuban Revolution. Based on these two sources, it can be conducted that ErnestoRead MoreTo What Extent Was Brutality Used by Fidel Castro During the Cuban Revolution1440 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"A revolution is not a bed of roses ... a revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.† – Fidel Castro, 1961. This statement was certainly true for Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries during the Cuban Revolution, an armed revolt that took place between July 26th 1953 and January 1st 1959, which ended successfully. During this revolt, many of Fidel Castro’s fellow revolutionaries were killed in this process of violent revolution (My Life, p133, 2006). However, Castro andRead MoreCuban Revolution And The Revolution1309 Words   |à ‚  6 PagesFidel Castro once said â€Å"I do not fear the fury of the miserable tyrant who took the lives of 70 of my comrades. Condemn me. It does not matter. History will absolve me.† This iconic line triggered one of the greatest events in Cuba’s history, the Cuban revolution. The factors that caused the revolution and the main events during changed the lives of Cuba’s people as well as North Americans. Cuba was a poor, uneducated, country controlled by a brutal dictator in 1953. The attack on the Moncoda barracks